Monday 23 May 2011

Days 7 & 8 - R&R weekend? Yes please.

This weekend we were finally able to sleep in a little, which was awesome! Once we got up and got going, we went and met up with everyone at the Green Market, a place where we could look for souvenirs and traditional African stuff and haggle with the locals. Random items people bought included a bag, bracelets, a necklace, a ring, a fabric-type poster deal, and other small random things. After the Green Market, we decided to walk to the Waterfront to look for some boots! No boots were bought due to a time crunch unfortunately, but we met up with some other girls there and hung out for a little bit. Saturday night we had a roomie dinner- Adams, Ches, Laura Claire and I decided to go to Wang Thai, one of the restaurants right outside the apartments. We had fantastic food- sushi, pad thai, honey chicken, and spring rolls.

Sunday we finally made it to the Pick-n-Pay down by the Waterfront, a much bigger and better one than the Pick-n-Pay by our apartment. After our shopping escapades we decided to try San Marco Café down by the water for lunch. Again, fabulous food. I tried an African Chococino the waiter recommended, which is a coffee/chocolate/liqueur type drink. It came out warm with whipped cream, a chocolate stick, and a marshmellow on top. Yum.

Once we got back to the apartment, we decided to take another run to the lighthouse and back. Surprisingly it wasn’t as horrendous as it had been a couple days ago! Maybe I’ll finally make it to being a legit runner woman. We’ll see.

Tonight we had our first big group Sunday dinner at the Brasserie, the third restaurant by the hotel. We sat together in our community groups and took our turns going through the monstrous buffet. There were so many salads, breads, entrees, and desserts to chose from! It was insane how much food we put away. Vince and Barbara Dooley were actually at our dinner, too! They were an integral part in supporting the Global LEAD staff when they first had the idea to form the organization and study abroad program.

After dinner it was up to our rooms and time to read for our class tomorrow morning! 

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