Sunday 15 May 2011

Our flight(s) into Cape Town

After four movies, countless cat naps, and several airline snacks, we finally landed in Cape Town, South Africa - welcomed by a brilliant, most fiery sunset composed of the most perfect ROY G BIV character where bright reds and oranges met the night sky. The flights were long but the company was good. We are all incredibly excited to finally haul our bags, our tired bodies, and our sleepy minds to our new home for the next five weeks.
We’ve met a good variety of friends already, including our roommates-to-be, and we look forward to getting to know everyone better as we start out this trip with the most excitement and positive outlook we can muster up.
            A few of our comical airport adventures include running all around the airport in Amsterdam in search of a toothbrush for Laura Claire, wrestling with an obscure drink machine, and dodging golf carts driven by angry Dutch workers. We asked three employees, and finally were able to distinguish the directions to a drugstore they were trying to tell us. My last food item in the United States consisted of Arby’s curly fries with honey mustard, which I pains me to say, I am officially addicted to. Guess this trip is a good opportunity to detox. 

This is the view from the balcony of our apartment! Both the ocean, and our apartments are shown here. 

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