Monday 6 June 2011

Day 11 - Crazy Folks and Cape Point

Today we went out to see the South African penguins-they were much smaller than I was anticipating! I dunno if I was just expecting monstrous penguins or what…but they were only about a foot tall! I was thinking more waist-height…good thing they weren’t that big! There were so many I’m sure we would’ve been a little frightened by them! They are also known as “jackass penguins” because they make these noises that sounds like a donkey would! Oh! And Vince and Barbara Dooley came with us!

the South African penguins

us with Vince Dooley!

After the penguin escapade, we headed for Cape Point and the Cape of Good Hope at the very southern tip of Africa. We were warned to beware of the baboons; apparently they can be quite vicious! We hiked up the small mountain terrain at the cape and got some good pictures. After Cape of Good Hope, we drove a little up the road for the Cape Point, commonly referred to as the southernmost tip of Africa- it’s not! Cape Aghulus actually is! I don’t know why that’s such a common misconception…ah well. We ran into all these crazy Chinese people while we were up there! None of us could understand the other but they sure were laughing like crazy folks!

me posing like the penguin

Ches, Grace, me, Laura Claire, Blair and Erin and I at Cape Point

the crazy Chinese lady motioning to Sophie to get help onto the rock!

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