Monday 6 June 2011

Day 15 - lazy Sunday

Today we really didn’t do much- we finally got to sleep in a little more and then the roomies and I went for lunch at Zorbas. We have a paper due tomorrow based on leadership styles that we’ve learned in class so we’ve been working on that all day. We  raged on the paper for a little while, then took a break for food or music or something that didn’t involve too much brain power! Tonight we had our second big group dinner. Last week we ate way too much so we’re implementing this new idea of will power…we’ll see how all that goes!

my greek pasta at Zorba's

the sunset tonight

            We’re leaving for ‘adventure week' in the morning at 5 am! We’ve got a pretty good idea of the things we’ll be doing, but we know we won’t have access to technology and such…this should be interesting.

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