Monday 6 June 2011

Day 14 - the Goldfish people?

After a quick sleep last night, we got up and went to the Old Biscuit Mill with about 1/3 of our group. Since we hadn’t been last Saturday, the only day they’re open, and we’d heard such great things, we were super excited to get to go this time! It’s essentially a market with vendors with all sorts of foods, produce, flowers, jams and jellies, etc. We planned it so we could get there around breakfast, look around, then have lunch before we left! It really was quite an awesome place, there were people with honey, crepes, sausages, cookies, pastries, sandwiches, orchids, purses and bags and all sorts of things. After making a couple laps around to all the various vendors, we finally decided on breakfast- we were told that you should go see everything before you decide because there are so many delicious things to choose from!


the "dressing room"
            Once we’d eaten, we went to look around again and then to go play in the shops right outside of where all the food was. We saw various neat tapestries, pillows and jewelry amongst other things. Oh! And I found a couple fun clothes I wanted to try on (!) and wound up in the oddest dressing “room” I’ve ever seen! It was a hanging cloth tent-like closet, more accurately.

            Once we got home, it was time to wash clothes- in the bathtub again. Let me tell you, this whole washing clothes by hand thing isn’t the most fun I’ve ever had. It’s quite a workout! You gotta stand all hunched over and swirl your arms around all over creation, then squeeze everything, then do it again and again! We’ve been trying to get everything all squared away for adventure week starting Monday. We’ll be gone for 5 days and we’ll definitely need clean clothes!

breakfast from the Old Biscuit Mill

            Tonight we’re going to the Goldfish concert- I’m still not sure what kind of music there will be or what I’ll be getting myself into, but I’m sure it’ll be tons of fun! Most of the group is going so we can all not know the words together. 

at the Goldfish concert

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